the thrifter's union
local 933
Contrary to popular belief, we are not a real labor union. We are Carrie and Nikki, two sisters who have ventured into the art of reselling. The Thrifter's Union Local 933 was born as a very tongue-in-cheek spin on our history as labor union members from our steady 9 to 5's.
We have found a passion, some may say addiction, for sourcing out the best second-hand goods to bring them to you. Buying second-hand is a great way to decrease textile waste from reaching our landfills. It reduces water consumption and pollution. And who doesn't want that? We invite you to join us in a more sustainable way of living.
Just like any labor union, we offer great benefits: awesome inventory, fabric care, and fast shipping. Plus, prices are always negotiable.
We thank you for stopping by! United We Bargain!
Your Union Reps,
Carrie and Nikki